What's New on TeamBuildr

Strength & Conditioning Software

November 17, 2020

Payment Portal Updates

It has been exciting to see a lot of coaches activate their Payments Portal over the last couple months! We have added some updates that will now help you offer additional types of programs as well as make creating programs more straight forward.

Automated Cancellation

One of the most common pieces of feedback we received when we first launched the payment portal was that coaches wanted to option to sell a program for a certain number of months only. With this update you will now be able to set a Maximum # of Billing Cycles which will automatically cancel a subscription after a certain number of charges.

For example, if you wanted to sell a 3 month program - you would set the "Billing Frequency" to "Monthly" and then set the "Max Billing Cycles" to 3. This means the subscriber would be charged 3 times and then their subscription would be cancelled. After that, they can then go back and purchase another program from you!

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Straight Forward Pricing Breakdown

We have always set out to be very upfront and honest about our pricing at TeamBuildr and we wanted that to reflect on the Payments Portal as well. You will now see a detailed breakdown of how much you will make on a sale of your program after the Credit Card Processing Fees and TeamBuildr Fees are deducted.

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Improved Workout Calendar Selection

When you select a the workout calendar that a subscriber will be assigned to upon successful purchase of a program, you will now see two options to select from:

  • PRE-BUILT PROGRAM - If you already have a workout program built on a calendar and want subscribers to start on Day 1 of the program.
    • NOTE: TeamBuildr will search the Calendar and find the day a workout first appears on it and use that as Day 1. You can change this by clicking the date in that box.
    • If you select PRE-BUILT PROGRAM you will also have the option to have subscribers start on the next Monday. If you do this we recommend you build 6 days of "lead-in" workouts prior to the date shown in the "First Workout Is On" box, so that the subscriber will get a workout when they first join (if it's not a Monday) while they wait for Day 1 next Monday.
  • ONGOING PROGRAM - If you plan on building the workouts week by week and want subscribers just to jump in on whatever date they sign up.
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Reactivate Cancelled Subscribers

When a subscriber cancels their subscription or their subscription ends after they have fulfilled their payment obligation, they get moved into the "Cancelled" section. At that point the cancelled subscriber can go purchase another program from you on their own, but you can now also add them to another program right from the Payments Portal. This will keep past customers from having to go through the registration and payment process again if they want to switch programs or begin a new program.

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